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Wittenbuik Tieke

K1 BE23-3039807
BE23-3039807 “Wittenbuik Tieke”

Original Luc De Laere, Anzegem
Son of BE17-3021412 'Tiekes Wittenbuik'
Winner of :
   9. Prov. Ace Pigeon 'All Round' KBDB
   9. Prov. Chateaudun - 4.848 b.
   11. Prov. Argenton - 4.079 b.
   21. Nat. Gueret - 8.517 b.
   28. Nat. Z Argenton - 7.382 b.
   78. Nat. Limoges - 9.661 b.
and half-brother of the
National KBDB star in 2022, 
BE20-3000523 ‘ARMIN’, winner of :
   1. NAT. Ace Pigeon GMD OB KBDB 2022
   1. NAT. Chateauroux – 4.003 b.
   1. Prov. Gueret – 1.444 b.
   15. Prov. Bourges – 5.780 b.
   165. Nat. Argenton – 20.467 b.
Grandson of foundation breeder 
BE11-3115713 'Tiekes Bliksem'
​Foundation breeder of the loft, 
won himself :
   7 x 1st prize
   3. Prov. Clermont – 7.462 b.

BE23-3039807 Wittenbuik Tieke

Son of BE17-3021412 'Tiekes Wittenbuik'
Winner of :
   9. Prov. Ace Pigeon 'All Round' KBDB
   9. Prov. Chateaudun - 4.848 b.
   11. Prov. Argenton - 4.079 b.
   21. Nat. Gueret - 8.517 b.
   28. Nat. Z Argenton - 7.382 b.
   78. Nat. Limoges - 9.661 b.

Father: BE17-3021412 'Tiekes Wittenbuik'

Winner of :
   9. Prov. Ace Pigeon 'All Round' KBDB
   9. Prov. Chateaudun - 4.848 b.
   11. Prov. Argenton - 4.079 b.
   21. Nat. Gueret - 8.517 b.
   28. Nat. Z Argenton - 7.382 b.
   78. Nat. Limoges - 9.661 b.
   2. - 2. - 4 - 6. - 8. - 10. in Club
Father of :
   5. Prov. Chateauroux - 3.606 b.
   1. Clermont - 335 b.
   1. Clermont - 166 b.
   2. Toury - 522 b.
   2. Toury - 380 b.
   3. Chateauroux - 649 b.
Half-brother of the National KBDB star in 2022, 
BE20-3000523 ‘ARMIN’, winner of :
   1. NAT. Ace Pigeon GMD OB KBDB 2022
   1. NAT. Chateauroux – 4.003 b.
   1. Prov. Gueret – 1.444 b.
   15. Prov. Bourges – 5.780 b.
   165. Nat. Argenton – 20.467 b.

Grandfather: BE14-3070272 'Strong Wittenbuik'

Co-breeding with Gaby Vandenabeele, Dentergem
Father of BE20-3000523 ‘ARMIN’, 
Winner of :
   1. NAT. Ace Pigeon GMD OB KBDB 2022
   1. NAT. Chateauroux – 4.003 b.
   1. Prov. Gueret – 1.444 b.
   15. Prov. Bourges – 5.780 b.
   165. Nat. Argenton – 20.467 b.
And further results :
   12. Prov. Chateauroux – 4.366 b.
   35. Nat. Gueret – 8.375 b.
   52. Prov. Bourges – 798 b.
   94. Prov. Argenton – 4.647 b.
   110. Nat. Chateauroux – 22.196 b.
   3. Arras – 169 b.
   13. Orleans – 313 b.
Father of BE16-709, winner of :
   11. Prov. Argenton – 4.595 b.
Father of BE17-412 ‘Berry’, winner of :
   11. Prov. Argenton – 4.079 b.
   21. Nat. Gueret – 8.517 b.
   43. Prov. Orleans – 3.417 b.
   113. Prov. Tours – 6.741 b.

Grandmother: BE12-3116539 'Het Kleine Dul'

Top breeding hen
Mother a.o. of BE17-412 ‘Berry’, 
winner of :
   11. Prov. Argenton – 4.079 b.
   21. Nat. Gueret – 8.517 b.
   43. Prov. Orleans – 3.417 b.
   113. Prov. Tours – 6.741 b.

Mother: BE18-3080117 'Tiekes Louise'

Co-breeding with Gaby Vandenabeele
Mother of :
   4. Prov. Bourges - 1.167 b.
   5. Prov. Chateauroux - 3.606 b.
   1. Clermont - 335 b.
   1. Clermont - 166 b.
   2. Toury - 522 b.
   2. Toury - 380 b.
   3. Chateauroux - 649 b.
Half-sister a.o. of :
   1. Prov. Pontoise – 18.184 b.
   1. Prov. Clermont – 10.912 b.
   1. Prov. Chateaudun – 3.594 b.
   1. Prov. La Souterainne - 2.484 b.
   2. Nat. Z Argenton – 7.382 b.
   2. Prov. Chateauroux - 4.976 b.
   2. Prov. Tours - 2.434 b.
   3. Prov. Argenton - 4.299 b.

Grandfather: BE11-3115713 'Tiekes Bliksem'

Foundation breeder of the loft, 
won himself :
   7 x 1st prize
   3. Prov. Clermont – 7.462 b.
Father a.o. of :
   1. Prov. Pontoise – 18.184 b.
   1. Prov. Clermont – 10.912 b.
   1. Prov. Chateaudun – 3.594 b.
   1. Prov. La Souterainne - 2.484 b.
   2. Nat. Z Argenton – 7.382 b.
   2. Prov. Chateauroux - 4.976 b.
   2. Prov. Tours - 2.434 b.
   3. Prov. Argenton - 4.299 b.

Grandmother: BE16-3141654 'Louise'

Original Gaby Vandenabeele, Dentergem
Daughter of icon BE03-3008003 'Rudy'
Fantastic racer and breeder, winner of :
   18. Prov. Argenton – 2.401 b.
   19. Prov. Bourges – 1.279 b.
   28. Prov. Argenton - 5.134 b.
   76. Prov. Tours – 2.791 b.
Father of BE12-052 ,Super Romeo’
   1. Nat. Ace Pigeon LD yearlings KBDB
   8. Prov. Brive – 1.235 b.
   18. Nat. Brive – 6.842 b.
   4. Nat. Z Tulle – 2.209 b.
   35. Nat. Tulle – 6.972 b.
Father of BE13-024 ‘New Bliksem
winner of :
   1. Nat. Tulle – 5.731 b.
   1. Nat. fastest of – 11.707 b.
   1. Nat. Z Tulle – 2.004 b.
   1. Bourges - 228 b.
   1. Tours - 120 b.
   5. Prov. Tours – 2.964 b.
   10. Prov. Bourges – 3.039 b.
Grandfather of :
   1. Nat. Ace Pigeon KBDB GMD YB 2015
   1. Nat. Limoges – 6.275 b. (Gino Clicque)
   1. Nat. Brive – 5.925 b. (Frederik Everaert)
   1. TT Nanteuil – 7.791 b.

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